Dry Eyes

What is Dry Eyes?
“Dry eyes” occurs when your eye does not produce enough tears to sufficiently lubricate the eye, or produces poor-quality tears.

We tend to use the term “dry eye” for several ocular surface conditions that cause dry, irritated, and sometimes watery eyes. For many eyecare specialists there are many treatment options and reasons for “dry eyes”.


What Are Symptoms of Dry Eye?

Dry eyes for most patients feels like they have an allergic reaction often associates with rubbing, itching, stinging, burning in the ocular areas.With allergy season, air-conditioned areas and dry or arid regions you might be more prone for dry eyes.

For each condition we assess condition based on the factors leading to your condition such as environmental factors (exposure to allergic environments), medications used and current health patterns such as diet and exercise. Dr. Whitaker then looks at all factors before making a diagnosis.

Quite regularly, Greenville Eyecare Optometrists speak with people who tell us that there eyes often exhibit these sypmtoms.

What are Some Common Misconceptions?
Most of our patients are surprised to know we can actually treat dry eyes with a long-term solution rather than an OTC medicine that masks the real issue.

What Can Be Done?
We currently prescribe RESTASIS®, the most effective treatment for dry eye syndrome, providing lasting comfort and relief from the symptoms of dry eye. Other factors such as environment, frequent breaks from viewing computer screens and lifestyle changes will help tremendously in preventing dry eyes.

We can create your customized plan using OTC artificial tears, natural supplements, lifestyle changes, prescriptions eye drops and oral medications.

How Large is the Problem?
30 million people in the United States have a form of “dry eye”. Women especially over the age of 50 years old have dry eye that bothers them on a daily basis.

Who is Most Likely to Get Dry Eye?
Patients who regularly use oral antihistamines medication to treat allergies such as Claritin D, wear contact lens are at a higher risk. Major Diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and sjogren’s increase the risk of dry eyes dramatically.

Does Dry Eyes Go Away?
Dry eye issues usually do not go away and may actually worsen with age. We create a more organized and effective treatment plan for your specific situation.

How Can I Make an Appointment?
To see Dr. Whitaker, call our 1888 number and explain your condition.

What is Our Experience?
At Greenville Eyecare Associates, we have years of experience diagnosing and treating dry eye and various other common eye problems. We can determine whether your dry eye is the result of genetic or environmental factors. Our optometrists can also determine he right treatment for your particular condition.