
Common Eye Problems: Cataracts

This eye problem is most usually related with biological aging, but a range of other factors can cause cataracts to create likewise.

What is a cataract?
Cataracts occurs behind the iris and the pupil when a buiuldup of protein in the lens clouding up your vision. Protein buildup behind the iris and the pupiloccurs when new lens cells compact the old lens cell and form clumps or cataracts. Light cannot accurately travel through your lens causing vision loss.

What kind of treatments will I receive for cataracts?
Cataracts are very treatable if discovered in the early onset. We utilize eyeglasses, sunglasses and magnifying lenses. Our specialists utilize the latest technology to assess your particular condition.

What are the symptoms of cataracts?

  • Low color profile of colors
  • Cloudy, dim, blurred
  • Reduced night vision
  • Double vision in single eye
  • “Halos” around lights
  • Sensitivity to light and glare

What Age Group is Affected by Cataracts?
Cataracts occur in patients over 40.

What are Most Common Cataract Classifications?
Congenital cataracts
Age-related cataracts due to aging.
Secondary cataracts. These are correlated to diseases, like diabetes, or toxic substances, steroids, ultraviolet light, or radiation
Traumatic cataracts. These are less common and form as a result of impact.