Child and Teen Optometry

Pediatric Eye Exam

When should my baby have their eyes examined?
According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), children are at risk for eye and vision problems starting at 6 months old. This low age threshold is due to several health factors:
Low Birth Weight
Premature Birth
Infection of Mother During Pregnancy

When Should My Teenager or Child Have Their Eye Examined?
During the school year kids and teens recognize that their learning and atheletic abilities may decrease due to vision problems. Vision problems can manifest in eye/hand issues, focusing skills, peripheral awareness and other distance measures. Majority of what your child learns and discovers will be visual. So maintaining healthy and scheduled eye exams is crucial for their development.

Every 2 years is what the American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends.

Uncommon to most parents is vision problems associated with focusing problems-eye issue associated with not correctly judging the distance near and back, or convergence insufficiency-keeping the eye comfortably aligned for reading.

At Greenville Eyecare Optometry we can schedule your appointment by calling 1.888.555.4475.